Friday, January 14, 2011

I feel good!

I'd started the couch to 5k program back in November, and I've certainly made good progress in my fitness, endurance and ability to even jog!  You see, I'm not much of a jogger.  I liked to play games - volleyball, racquetball, basketball...or go on hikes, ride bikes, work out on an elliptical machine (or at least I did when I had a gym membership), but I didn't enjoy jogging.  It's so much work, and it's hard on my body.  However, I'd never approached jogging in bite-sized chunks, despite experiencing my Dad's success utilizing a '30-second jog, 30-second walk' approach, bacj when I was in my early teens.  He went on to run a number of 10k races, and continues to jog even into his 70s.

I guess I'm a slow learner.  I think I just figured I was better off - in better shape, younger, etc., than my Dad was when he started running.  After all, he was a long haul truck driver who sat behind the wheel most of the day.

Ahhh, humble pie.  Now I'm in my mid-40s, a mother of four children, and while I'm always busy, I rarely make the time for exercise for me, unless it was in the wee hours of the morning. 

Back to couch to 5k!  I managed to improve my running, but the weight wasn't moving.  Of course, neither were my efforts to improve my nutrition.  Can you say chocolate?  Daily?  Multiple times each day??? 

So, I managed to eat conservatively and lose four or five pounds (from May - Dec.!).  Nothin' to write home about but better than gaining.  Well, with the new year, I decided it was time to be mindful of my choices.  After the birth of my third child, I lost weight with Weight Watchers - I bought the materials and did it on my own.  I tried to do the same thing after kiddo number four, but I never really got serious.  Until now...

Fast forward to January 6th, 2001. I went to a Weight Watcher's meeting and bought the materials.  They have a new program, and it's really, really good.  Fruit is now zero PointsPlus.  Free.  Since I'm not a big raw veggie eater (unless there's ranch or hummus), this is pivotal for me.  If I get hungry, I can grab a banana, clementines or grapes guilt-free.  If I need some protein, bananas w/ peanut butter is fave for me.  Or cheese.  Did I mention I love cheese?  Anyway, I made a careful, conscience, mindful decision to really work the program, and I lost five pounds in a week. Yep.  FIVE pounds.  Now, I'm on the tall side and my BMI is was 29.6, and I worked out four times last week, marched in place while folding laundry or cooking, did a yoga DVD, etc.  Basically I really tried to increase my activity level.  Nonetheless, I feel proud.  It feels weird to say that, but I'm going to embrace it.  I did the work.  I feel good, and I am proud.

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