Sunday, December 19, 2010

Balance - does it exist?

I used to think it was important to balance a career, marriage, motherhood, etc.  I've learned that I don't really attain balance in any the typical sense of the word.  But as I journey through life, I have learned to accept resign myself to embrace the season I'm in...  I'm not sure I'll ever have my house as clean as my mom did, nor will I be the room mom in my children's classrooms - although I'm always willing to help.  I don't want to grow my part-time business because it's more important to me to be involved with my children and family right now.  So, for me, that's balance.  Actually, I don't care about balance - I'm more interested in being the best I can be.  At this moment.  Until the next moment.  But if I'm content (and have prayerfully discern this phase), and my family is loved and not tearing one another to pieces happy, then that works for me.

What does balance mean to you?

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